Friday, September 21, 2012

Raging Bull and how I finally understand the "Joe Pesci Show".

I was a prolific SNL watcher in the early Nineties and I clearly remember the first time I saw the "Joe Pesci Show".  Of course, I knew Joe Pesci as that goofy character in Lethal Weapons and McCauley Caulkin's punching bag in the Home Alone movies.  When I got older, I watched Casino and Goodfellas, and then I started to understand the crazy violent reputation.  Recently I sat down and watched Raging Bull, which I always knew was supposed to be an American classic, but I had never seen it.  It was made in 1980 and stars Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, and pretty much every other actor in every other Scorsese movie.  It is the tale of the tragic life of middle weight boxer Jake LaMotta who proceeds to act like a complete wacko to everyone around him.  Basically, now I understand that Martin Scorsese takes the same cast of characters played by pretty much the same actors and puts them in a blender and makes a plot.  It is a really cool plot with really cool characters, but all his movies have some really strong similarities, same gangsters, same dialogue.  I will say that Raging Bull is probably the most "artsy" of any Scorsese movie I have ever seen.  It is filmed in black and white, it has long scenes of rambling dialogue, and random poetic solilquies.  I will admit though, there wasn't much explanation about how De Niro transformed from a psycho hotheaded boxer to a traveling method actor.  Ultimately though, it is a classic and definitely worth watching, although it could have used a few more f bombs from Pesci and good beat down or car bombing at the end.

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