Sunday, July 29, 2012

Breaking Bad...over half through with the first half of the first half of the probably last season!

Spoiler alert....attend to your DVR first...

Holy crap!  I have no idea where this is going!  I think for the first time in the whole show, I am getting the suspicion that Walt is completely manipulating everyone around him.  I think he is making everyone do exactly what he wants, from making Jesse break up with his woman to pushing Marie away from Skylar.  What in the world did he mean with that last comment about Gus killing Victor because he flew to close to the sun????  Is he going to kill Mike????  If he does try it... I am calling this....that vile of ricin poison that he hid behind the electrical face plate is going to have something to do with.  Mike never knew about it.  Or maybe that machine gun that he buys (in the future) in the first few minutes of the first episode is going to play into it??? So far this season is the quickest paced one yet.  Unfortunately, I just read that this is going to be drug out until the summer of 2013!!!     

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