So I "finished" this book, or at least I read my fill. What made me so mad about this 1,029 page book was that I know Stephen King is a really good story teller/writer, but with this book he took a great idea and let it get away from him until he ruined it. Don't get me wrong, the first 500 pages were great. There was a good set up to the plot. There were great detailed accounts of the main characters that made the reader emotionally engaged with the story. All of this was accomplished with a balanced combination of flashbacks and current plot movement. Everything was going ok. But then somewhere around page 500, the whole plot movement went into neutral for about 400 pages. Virtually all of the second part of the book was completely pointless to the outcome. I found myself skimming after page 750 or so and I didn't see anything important until around 900 and even then the climax drug along painfully. The actually confrontation with the monster was wierdo psychological and it didn't fit with the reved up physicall violence in the rest of the book. After reading Pet Sematary and The Shinning, I was very disappointed. But I guess when you have cranked out as much as he has, there have got to be some stinkers, even with ones that were made into movies.
I think I am done with King for a while, but I haven't figured out what I want to read next. It needs to be something good.